

This file contains all recipe definitions.

local cookables = {
        max_speed = 25,                     -- max vehicle speed during cook (KPH)
        cook_time = 120,                    -- seconds
        reward_name = "raw_meth",           -- reward item name
        reward_label = "Raw Meth",          -- reward item label
        reward_count = 5,                   -- reward item count
        reward_chance = 50,                 -- for i=1,reward_count,1 do
                                            --   if math.random(100) < reward_chance then
                                            --     rewardCount = rewardCount + 1
                                            --   end
                                            -- end
        chance_of_failure = 10,             -- chance of cooking failure

        explosion_on_failure = {            -- set to false/nil if no explosion required on failure
            warning = true,                 -- warn players of impending explosion?
            delay = 5,                      -- seconds
            type = 2,                       -- explosion type (
            damage_scale = 1.0,             -- explosion damage scale [0.0 - 1.0]
            is_audible = true,              -- is explosion audible?
            is_invisible = false,           -- is explosion invisible?
            camera_shake = 1.0,             -- cam shake scale
            no_damage = false,              -- should this explosion not do any damage?

        detection_radius = {
            cooking = 50.0,                 -- how far away will peds detect this vehicle cooking, and report to police?
            explosion = 200.0,              -- how far away will peds detect a failure explosion, and report to the police?

        warn_on_detection = false,          -- warn the cook when detected by ped?
        warn_delay = 5,                     -- seconds after detection for police to be warned
        report_time = 5,                    -- how long does it take to report?

        required_items = {
            pseudoephedrine = {
                label = "Pseudoephedrine",  -- label for notifications
                required = 5,               -- required to start action
                remove_on_failure = 3,      -- remove x count on failure
                remove_on_success = 5,      -- remove x count on success

            butane = {
                label = "Butane",           -- label for notifications
                required = 5,               -- required to start action
                remove_on_failure = 3,      -- remove x count on failure
                remove_on_success = 5,      -- remove x count on success

            demineralized_water = {
                label = "Demineralized Water",  -- label for notifications
                required = 100,                 -- required to start action
                remove_on_failure = 50,         -- remove x count on failure
                remove_on_success = 100,        -- remove x count on success

Last updated