
local Territories = {
        name = "EastV",
        label = "East V",

        zonePoints = {

        zoneHeight = 100.0,

        areaBlips = {
            renderForAll            = false, -- should this blip render for all players?
            renderForGangs          = true,  -- should this blip render for all jobs/groups that can control it?
            renderForControlling    = true,  -- should this blip render for only the controlling gang? 

            blips = {
                    position  = vector3(904.06,-164.28,73.97),
                    width     = 200.0,
                    height    = 350.0,
                    heading   = 60,
                    display   = 3,
                    position  = vector3(789.57,-328.67,73.97),
                    width     = 200.0,
                    height    = 300.0,
                    heading   = 60,
                    display   = 3,     

            colors = {
                police = 2,
                ballas = 3

        labs = {
                entry = vector4(1005.78,-114.50,73.97,151.68),
                lab   = Labs.money,
                label = "Money Factory",

                blip  = {
                    label       = "Money Factory",
                    position    = vector3(1005.76,-114.52,73.50),
                    sprite      = 500,
                    color       = 1,
                    alpha       = 255,
                    scale       = 0.7,
                    display     = 2,
                    highDetail  = true,
                    shortRange  = false,

                    renderForAll            = false, -- should this blip render for all players?
                    renderForGangs          = true,  -- should this blip render for all jobs/groups that can control it?
                    renderForControlling    = true,  -- should this blip render for only the controlling gang?

                -- These jobs and groups can interact with this lab.
                jobs = {
                    police = 1

                groups = {
                    ballas = 1

        -- These jobs and groups can interact/influence this territory.
        jobs = {
            police = 0

        groups = {
            ballas = 0

        hostile = true,         -- pvp reward?
        influenceInLab = true,  -- influence lab reputation from inside lab?

        requiredOnline = 5,     -- players from owning faction required online before reputation can be gained/lost
        requiredTimeout = 5,    -- minutes spent offline before other jobs/groups can take control

Last updated