

This file defines the labels that will be used by all notifications and generated UIs.

ti_utils will automatically pull your locale defined in either ESX or QB-Core.


local labels = {
  ["locale_tag"] = {
    ["label_name"] = "Label"


An example for the English ("en") translation:

labels.en = {  
  generic_error = "Something went wrong.",
  not_enough_money = "Not enough money.",

An example for the French ("fr") translation: = {  
  generic_error = "Quelque chose s'est mal passé.",
  not_enough_money = "Pas assez d'argent.",


labels.en = {
    check_in_for = "Check in for $%i?",
    yes = "Yes",
    cash = "Cash",
    bank = "Bank",
    wasted = "WASTED",
    wasted_sub = "You died.",
    hour_short = "H",
    minute_short = "M",
    second_short = "S",
    carry_request = "Someone has requested to carry you",
    decline = "Decline",
    accept = "Accept",
    no_skin_used = "You had no skin to revive into.",
    skin_used = "You have used your %s skin to revive your character.",
    retained_memory = "You have retained your memory.",
    lost_memory = "You have lost your memory",
    retained_inventory = "You have retained your inventory.",
    lost_inventory = "You have lost your inventory.",
    retained_injuries = "You have retained your injuries.",
    lost_injuries = "You have lost your injuries.",
    mobility_device_request = "Someone has requested to attach you to a %s.",
    please_wait = "Please wait.",
    invalid_shop = "Invalid shop.",
    invalid_skin = "Invalid skin selection.",
    invalid_account = "Invalid account selection.",
    insufficient_funds = "Insufficient funds.",
    skin_purchased = "You purchased the %s skin.",
    tracker_injured = "Someone has been injured. Check your alert tracker for more information.",
    target_cleared = "Your tracked target has been cleared.",
    waypoint_set = "Your waypoint has been set.",
    medic_on_way = "A medic is on the way to your location.",
    no_targets = "There are no alerts to track.",
    not_hospital_staff = "You are not hospital staff",
    not_medic = "You are not a medic",
    no_injuries = "This patient has no remaining injuries.",
    hospital_required = "This patient requires a hospital for further attention.",
    patient_treated = "Your patient has been treated.",
    nobody_nearby = "No one to use this on.",
    invalid_job = "You don't have the required job to use this item.",
    incapable_job = "Your job doesn't have field medic capabilities.",
    treatment_not_required = "This person doesn't need treatment.",
    treatment_complete = "Treatment complete.",
    treatment_failed = "Treatment failed.",
    missing_item = "%ix %s required to complete treatment.",
    ui_minute = "Minute",
    ui_second = "Second",
    ui_minutes = "Minutes",
    ui_seconds = "Seconds",
    ui_retain_inventory = "Retain Inventory",
    ui_retain_injuries = "Retain Injuries",
    ui_retain_memory = "Retain Memory",
    ui_down_time = "Down Time",
    ui_death_time = "Death Time",
    ui_wasted_time = "Wasted Time",
    ui_shop = "Shop",
    ui_skin_warning = "Purchasing a new skin will replace your current skin.",
    ui_citizen_injured = "Citizen Injured",
    ui_citizen_killed = "Citizen Killed",
    ui_no_treatment_available = "No treatment available",
    ui_stabilized = "Stabilized",
    ui_treated = "Treated",
    ui_field_medic = "Field Medic",
    ui_hospital = "Hospital",
    ui_cant_stabilize_in_field = "You can't stabilize this any further in the field.",
    ui_cant_use_treatment_in_field = "Can't use that treatment in the field.",
    ui_patient_killed_during = "Patient killed during",
    ui_from = "from",
    ui_you_have_caused = "You have caused",
    ui_had_no_effect = "had no effect.",

Last updated