UI Options


This file is used to style the death timer UI.

Greater control over UI styling can be found by simply editing the html/js/css files for this resource, however- this file is intended to give inexperienced users an easier method of restyling the most commonly seen UI in the resource.

local ui_options = {}

ui_options.death = {
    ["down.active"] = {
        usable = true,
        minigame = true,
        panic = true,
        speed = 2000,
        delay = 500,
        tooltip_header = "You are dying",
        tooltip_body = "Focus on your heartbeat to stay alive",
        tooltip_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        timer_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        styling = {
            tooltip = {
                backgroundColor = "var(--highlight-bg-color)",

            tooltip_header = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 1,
                fontWeight = 700,
                fontSize = "1.0rem",
            tooltip_body = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 0.8,
                fontSize = "0.8rem",

            tooltip_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-blue)",
                fontSize = "1.7rem",

            timer_target = {
                stroke = "var(--highlight-bg-color)",

            timer_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-blue)",
                fontSize = "42px"

    ["down.idle"] = {
        usable = false,
        delay = 500,
        tooltip_header = "You are dying",
        tooltip_body = "Await paramedic assistance to be revived",
        tooltip_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        timer_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        styling = {
            tooltip = {
                backgroundColor = "var(--highlight-bg-color)",

            tooltip_header = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 1,
                fontWeight = 700,
                fontSize = "1.0rem",
            tooltip_body = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 0.8,
                fontSize = "0.8rem",

            tooltip_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-red)",
                fontSize = "1.7rem",

            timer_target = {
                stroke = "var(--highlight-bg-color)",

            timer_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-red)",
                fontSize = "42px"

    ["dead.active"] = {
        usable = true,
        spring = true,
        speed = 2000,
        delay = 500,
        tooltip_header = "You are dead",
        tooltip_body = "Await paramedic assistance or hold E to start a new life",
        tooltip_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        timer_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        styling = {
            tooltip = {
                backgroundColor = "var(--highlight-red-dark)",

            tooltip_header = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 1,
                fontWeight = 700,
                fontSize = "1.0rem",
            tooltip_body = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 0.8,
                fontSize = "0.8rem",

            tooltip_icon = {
                color = "white",
                fontSize = "1.7rem",

            timer_target = {
                stroke = "var(--highlight-red)",

            timer_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-red)",
                fontSize = "42px"

    ["dead.idle"] = {
        usable = false,
        spring = true,
        delay = 500,
        tooltip_header = "You are dead",
        tooltip_body = "Await paramedic assistance",
        tooltip_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        timer_icon = "fa-solid fa-skull",
        styling = {
            tooltip = {
                backgroundColor = "var(--highlight-red-dark)",

            tooltip_header = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 1,
                fontWeight = 700,
                fontSize = "1.0rem",
            tooltip_body = {
                color = "white",
                opacity = 0.8,
                fontSize = "0.8rem",

            tooltip_icon = {
                color = "white",
                fontSize = "1.7rem",

            timer_target = {
                stroke = "var(--highlight-red)",

            timer_icon = {
                color = "var(--highlight-red)",
                fontSize = "42px"

Last updated