

All item fabrication recipes are defined here.


-- typeof [weapon/item]
-- item name
-- item label
-- item count
-- fabrication time
-- materials required

local recipes = {
    pistol = {
        typeof  = "weapon",
        item    = "weapon_pistol",
        label   = "Pistol",
        count   = 1,
        time    = 30,

        -- metadata can be a table:
        -- metadata = {
        --     foo = "bar",
        -- },

        -- or metadata can be a function returning a table:
        metadata = function(source)
            return {
                foo = "bar"

        materials = {
                item  = "recipe_pistol",
                label = "Pistol Recipe",

                required = 1,
                remove = 0,
                item = "billet_aluminium",
                label = "Aluminium Billet",

                required = 1,
                remove = 1,

                shape = "cuboid",
                size = {
                    width  = 20,
                    height = 20,
                    depth  = 20
                item = "billet_steel",
                label = "Steel Billet",

                required = 1,
                remove = 1,

                shape = "cylinder",
                size = {
                    width  = 20,
                    height = 20,
                    depth  = 100
                item = "billet_steel",
                label = "Steel Billet",

                required = 2,
                remove = 2,

                shape = "sphere",
                size = {
                    width  = 1,
                    height = 1,
                    depth  = 1

Last updated