
Hustler is an NUI-based shop resource, using a faction-based reputation system to handle access beyond basic job and gangs restrictors.


In this resource, the primary handler for all shop based configuration (such as interaction points, ped spawn points, item listings, etc) is referred to as a dealer.

Each dealer has a configurable (and optional) faction. Each dealers stock is saved in a database, and reloaded on server restart (persistent stock).

Every interaction with a dealer will influence the reputation with their aligned faction (if applicable).

Deals ("sales") can be configured to appear for players at any given dealer with sufficient reputation, and at certain times of the day.

Every sale can be bartered on. Barter ranges depend on reputation with a given faction. The outcome of a barter may effect your reputation with the dealers faction.

A global item value table is produced on a configurable timer, which all dealers access to set their prices at any given time.

A dealer will also use their configured "modifiers" for random price variation (optional), so each store can have a slightly different price for each item.

Faction price modifiers can also be used to modify the outcome of trades made with higher faction reputation.

Factions can become (optionally) vengeful with low reputation, refusing to trade with the player.

Dealers can become (optionally) hostile with low reputation, attacking the player.

Dealers can be (optionally) robbed.

All police notification vars are configurable.



  • Extract the resource into your resources/ directory.

  • Add start ti_hustler into your server.cfg, below start ti_utils.

  • Check all files in the data/ directory. This is the folder for all configuration files.

  • No further installation steps are required.




While the configuration for this resource may seem vast and daunting, or possibly doing too much for your servers requirements, you can ultimately "dumb it down" through various means.

Questions regarding this should be asked on the discord public support channels, and this information will be updated over time to include the most frequently asked questions.


  • None known.

Last updated