

General resource configuration can be found in this file.

local config = {
    plate_format = "LLLSNNN",       -- The format of the plate to generate. 
                                    -- L = Letter, N = Number, A = Alphanumeric, S = Space.
                                    -- Example: "LLLSNNN" = "ABC 123".

    flatbed_models = {             -- Valid flatbed models.

    render_line = true,            -- Draw line from vehicle to player while aiming.

    generate_after_time = 2,       -- Hours after server start to begin generating vehicles.
    generate_cooldown = 5,         -- Hours after generation to consider generating again.
    generate_count = 3,            -- Vehicles to attempt to generate per generation.
    generate_maximum = 5,          -- Maximum amount of vehicles to generate.

_ENV.Config = config

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