

Lathes have the ability to mill material items into smaller variations of the same material.


-- speed effects the overall production time for this machine
-- time_modifiers effect how long this machine takes to create certain shapes.
-- max_dimensions specified are the maximum possible input/output item sizes.
-- allowed_materials are what type of material this machine can deal with.

-- Models: 
--     gr_prop_gr_lathe_01a 
--     gr_prop_gr_lathe_01b
--     gr_prop_gr_lathe_01c

local lathes = {
        model           = `gr_prop_gr_lathe_01c`,
        position        = vector3(836.77,-3239.38,-98.70),
        object_offset   = vector3(0.5,0.5,-1),
        heading         = 350.0,
        speed           = 1.0,

        time_modifiers = {
            cylinder = 0.5,
            sphere   = 0.5,

        max_dimensions = {
            width  = 100,
            height = 100,
            depth  = 100

        allowed_materials = {

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