Garbage Job

A true multiplayer garbage job experience for your FiveM roleplay server.


Introducing a more RP-friendly garbage job experience, for the endless hours of grinding torture you force your players to endure. With this resource, new members on your server can grind for their tacos and water with some small amount of enjoyment while engaging with their friends or other role-players. Gathered resources are shared between all workers to ensure the speed difference between multi-player and single-player garbage routes are not unfairly leveraged by larger groups.

  • Easily configurable garbage routes, with varying rewards and items for each.

  • Configure multiple garbage truck options, with compactor doors opening at pickup points.

  • Multiple depots, allowing for easier job access from varying spawn locations, and faster return from the final garbage pickup destination.

  • Ability to set different job outfits through the config depending on player model.

  • Gain both items and cash rewards from garbage pickups.

  • Gain cash reward based on distance between pickup points while driving a route.

  • Allow multiple job names to interact with the garbage depot.

  • Fluid menu interactions, with no random freezing and waiting for UI response.




  1. After purchasing the resource, download it from your keymaster.

  2. Extract the resource into your servers resources folder.

  3. Add start ti_garbageJob to your server.cfg, below start ti_utils.

  4. Observe the server console on start-up for potential errors or warnings.


Last updated